Industry Informative Network

An international platform for discussion.
A tool to boost the dialogue among cold chain operators and stakeholders.
A technical repository to bridge the gap between market supply and demand.

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In the frame of the capacity building programme, ICCEE will create a international community to improve the energy culture in the cold chain of companies belonging to the agrifood supply chain at every organizational level (in terms of knowledge, motivations, behaviour change, mitigation of perceived risks and barriers). At this aim, the Industry Informative Network (IIN) represents a platform for discussion among stakeholders and with other experts and will foster the relationship between the various market stakeholders bridging the gap between demand and supply sides.

Several actors of the supply chain such as industrial food companies, warehouse, cold storage and logistic operators will have the opportunity to improve their core business by revising their operations, improving the awareness towards energy efficiency and sustainable supply-chain initiatives.

Therefore, the Industry Informative Network is an online platform opened for consultation by any interested international stakeholder.


The objective of the Catalogue of Innovation is to stimulate the adoption of tailored energy efficiency technologies for the cold chain in the food and beverage sector. The Catalogue will create a “library” listing any innovative solutions carried out by European market operators. Last but not least, it will promote energy efficiency culture and awareness by fostering the relationships between demand and offer for marketable solutions and by favouring any possible symbiosis among stakeholders.

Do you have any energy efficiency solution applicable to the cold chain to propose?

Do you seek answers to your energy efficiency challenges?


The objective of the Community of Pratictioners is the set-up of a permanent forum of discussion and technical update among European stakeholder interested in the cold chain context and, in general, in the strategies for energy saving and for a better carbon neutrality at their business level.

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